ADBIS Workshops will be held in Hotel Park, Bled, Slovenia on 8 September, 2019
  1. BBIGAP – International Workshop on BI & BIG DATA APPLICATIONS
  2. QAUCA – International Workshop on Qualitative Aspects of User-Centered Analytics
    • Chairs: Nicolas Labroche (University of Tours, France), Patrick Marcel (University of Tours, France), Veronika Peralta (University of Tours, France)
    • Workshop Information
    • Website
  3. SemBDM – Semantics in Big Data Management
    • Chairs: Paolo Ceravolo (Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy), Florence Sedes (Toulouse Institute of Computer Science Research, France)
    • Workshop Information
    • Website
  4. SIMPDA – Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis
    • Chairs: Paolo Ceravolo (Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy), Maria Teresa Gomez Lopez (University of Seville, Spain), Maurice van Keulen (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
    • Workshop Information
    • Website
  5. M2P – Modelling is going to become Programming
    • Chairs: Ajantha Dahanayake (Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland), Bernhard Thalheim (Christian-Albrechts University Zu Kiel, Germany)
    • Workshop Information
    • Website
  6. MADEISD – Modern Approaches in Data Engineering and Information System Design
    • Chairs: Ivan Luković (University of Novi Sad, Serbia), Slavica Kordić (University of Novi Sad, Serbia)
    • Workshop Information
    • Website

Important dates for ALL ADBIS 2019 Workshops

Camera ready paper delivery (STRICT): June 23, 2019

Post-workshop journals’ special issues

The best workshop papers will be invited for publications in the following journals:

      • Computer Science and Information Systems
        5-year IF: 0.675, indexed by: Science Citation Index (SCI) by Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS (Elsevier), Summon (Serials Solutions)
      • Journal on Data Semantics (Springer) – only for papers on the main topics of the journal;  indexed among others by: SCOPUS, INSPEC, DBLP, Emerging Sources Citation Index

ADBIS Workshops Chairs

ADBIS 2019 Rules for Individual Workshops Chairs/Organizers

  1. The Springer CCIS volume with ADBIS 2019 Workshops papers will be published only in as a DIGITAL volume, available for downloading from the Springer portal.
  2. The editors STRONGLY ENCOURAGE submissions in Latex. Having Latex papers would ease the process of producing the volume. Nonetheless, papers prepared in other word processing software are also welcome.
  3. ALL ADBIS Workshops papers must be prepared according to the CCIS template and Springer paper preparation rules, see:
  4. The number of pages of a workshop paper should be between 6 and 12 (the minimum number of talks at a workshop is 3 – 1-session workshop).
  5. ALL ADBIS Workshops should have THE SAME DEADLINES, as proposed below:
    Workshop paper submission: May 17
    Workshop paper acceptance notification: June 10
    Workshop paper camera ready: June 23
  6. The deadline for receiving camera ready papers, for ALL ADBIS workshops, is STRICT – June 23, 2019.
  7. At least one author for an accepted workshop paper must register and pay by June 28, 2019.
  8. Camera ready papers must be emailed by the chairs of the individual workshops directly to the ADBIS proceedings chair:
    Aida Kamisalic Latific: aida [dot] kamisalic [at] um [dot] si and adbis2019 [at] um [dot] si
    Please use always both mails (OBLIGATORY).
  9. Each ADBIS workshop must have its own web page. The chairs are asked to send the addresses of the pages to the ADBIS webmaster:
    Luka Hrgarek: luka [dot] hrgarek [at] um [dot] si and adbis2019 [at] um [dot] si
    Please use always both mails (OBLIGATORY).
  10. The chairs of the individual workshops, are responsible for the whole process of paper management (disseminating CfP, collecting papers, reviewing, collecting camera ready). Detailed responsibilities are listed below:
    • collecting the camera ready papers in source and PDF – individual workshop chairs
    • collecting the Consent to Publish for CCIS: Contract_Book_Contributor_Consent_to_Publish_CCIS_SIP – individual workshop chairs
    • verifying the format of camera-ready papers – individual workshop chairs
    • delivering all camera-ready papers (source and PDF) and consent forms to the proceedings chair – individual workshop chairs
    • verifying the format of camera-ready papers for all workshops – proceedings chair
    • delivering all camera-ready papers to Springer – proceedings chair
    • chairing a workshop in Bled
  11. An individual workshop chair must register and pay the registration fee, at least for workshops.
  12. VERY IMPORTANT: Springer requires that the paper acceptance ratio is LOWER than 50%.
    Failing to respect this rule may result in Springer objection to publish the workshop volume and breaking the very long and friendly cooperation with ADBIS. For this reason, please be very careful when accepting papers.
  13. VERY IMPORTANT: Each paper must be reviewed by at least THREE reviewers.
  14. The chairs of the individual workshops are asked to deliver a report not later than June 20, 2019, to:
    • Mirjana Ivanovic: mira [at] dmi [dot] uns [dot] ac [dot] rs
    • Johann Gamper: gamper [at] inf [dot] unibz [dot] it
    • Robert Wrembel: robert [dot] wrembel [at] cs [dot] put [dot] poznan [dot] pl
    • The report should contain:
      • a list of submissions (authors + title);
      • a list of accepted papers with their ratings;
      • a list of rejected papers with their ratings.